이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

WP Restaumatic – Active Menu for restaurants


Restaumatic Active Menu integration.

Online ordering system for the existing restaurant’s website. Launch online orders in your restaurant and connect your own WordPress website with our Active Menu (third party service).

  • Sell online on your own.
  • Reduce the costs.
  • Build your own customers’ database.
  • Reduce the high commission of food portals.

See the full list of features here.

Important: for this plugin to work, you must sign up for your own Active Menu on Restaumatic.com and then include it on your website using the shortcode provided by this plugin.


First go to the WordPress admin area > WP Restaumatic settings page and configure your Active Menu slug. Then put the shortcode in the page content and publish the page.

  • [restaumatic_active_menu] Basic usage (display restaurant select page in case of many restaurants or menu page if you have one restaurant).
  • [restaumatic_active_menu restaurant="active-menu"] Define specific menu to display (if you have more than one restaurant).
  • [restaumatic_active_menu slug="active-menu"] Specify the Active Menu slug directly in the shortcode.

Please keep in mind that only one instance of the shortcode is supported on the same page. If you have more than one restaurant, use separate pages for each menu or include all menus at once using restaurant select page as shown in the examples above.

Shortcode options

  • slug The Active Menu slug. Optional if you have provided the slug on WP Restaumatic settings page.
  • restaurant (optional) Specify the restaurant menu to display. Useful if you have more than one restaurant and you want to display specific menu instead of the restaurant select page.


  • Add Active Menu to your own WordPress website with ease. Active Menu is fully responsive, which means it looks great on laptops, tablets and smartphones.
  • Example Active Menu included on WordPress website.
  • The shopping cart.
  • Restaurant Panel allows you to edit your restaurant menu, add and remove products, change prices, modify the composition, create a category of dishes, add photos etc.
  • Draw delivery areas on the map and specify the price for delivery.
  • Create a promotion that perfectly suits your expectations. Hundreds of variants give almost unlimited possibilities.
  • Example usage of the shortcode in WordPress post content.
  • WP Restaumatic settings page.


  1. Visit WordPress Plugins page > Add New.
  2. Search for WP Restaumatic or upload wp-restaumatic plugin directly to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page.
  4. Sign up for your own Active Menu on Restaumatic website.
  5. Back in WordPress, go to the WP Restaumatic settings page and provide your Active Menu slug.
  6. Place the shortcode in your page content.


Is WP Restaumatic free?

WP Restaumatic plugin is free but Restaumatic services are not. It means that you need to sign up for a paid plan on Restaumatic.com in order to activate and include your own Active Menu on your website.

Can I edit the look of the Active Menu?

Yes, in Restaurant Panel you can edit colors, fonts, photos and menu layout to match your website.

I already use Restaumatic. What should I do?

If you already have Active Menu, you can start using this plugin right away by including a shortcode in page content (see usage examples above for shortcode examples).

Can I use this plugin with Gutenberg/Classic Editor/Page Builder?

Yes, you can. WP Restaumatic uses native WordPress shortcode functionality, so it should work with most of the editors, just like regular content.

Where can I get more information?

Please visit the official plugin website or contact us here.


2020년 11월 20일
Najlepszy system do zamawiania jedzenia ze strony restauracji. Wygodna konfiguracja na stronie. Wszystko mimo, że bardzo rozbudowane, obsługuje się w prosty sposób.
모든 1 평가 읽기

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  • Menu widget URL optimization.