WPBookmark is a wordpress plugin that allows users to bookmark posts/pages.
you can selectively disable bookmarking feature on certain pages/posts.
Major new features in wpbookmark include:
- user can maintain his own custom list of bookmarked posts or pages.
- site owner can explicitly mention which pages/posts user can add to his/her bookmark list.
Pro Version
Pro Version includes some extra features and allows customization. Features include:
1. Bookmark button position can be adjusted.
2. Button color can be adjusted.
3. Admin can monitor which pages/posts were bookmarked the most from admin dashboard.
4. Admin can easily notify group of users who liked/bookmarked a post/page through email.
5. Emailing can be queued to be delivered on a later time.
- Go to: http://www.binnash.com/wpbookmark-pro/ to get the pro version
go to plugins->Add New->Upload. upload zipped plugin folder and then activate plugin.
once the plugin is activate, you’ll see a bookmark button on every page/post.
in one click on the button creates bookmark and saves to DB but on the consecutive
click by same user, the button will toggle between bookmarked and unbookmarked.
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기여자 & 개발자
- unbookmark/remove option added in my bookmark list
- bookmark button position changed to avoid overlapping with post/ page contents.
- my bookmark list look updated.
- broken paging links updated
- items/page feature is functional now.
- fixed compatibility issue with wordpress 3.5