WPLMS MyCred AddOn


Connect your WPLMS WordPress LMS with MyCred Points system plugin.

  1. Extend MyCred in WPLMS
  2. Allow students to purchase courses via MyCred points
  3. Award points on various course activities
  4. Award points on Course subscription, Course Start, Course submit, course evaluation, course marks greater than X
  5. Award Points on unit completions, Quiz/Assignment start/submit/evaluation/marks greater than X

기타 정보

Learn how MyCred works with WPLMS : Tutorial with WPLMS WordPress LMS

Learn more about WPLMS


워드프레스 알림판에서

  1. ‘플러그인 > 새로 추가’ 방문
  2. Search for ‘WPLMS MyCred Addon’
  3. Activate WPLMS MyCred from your Plugins page.


  1. Download WPLMS MyCred.
  2. Upload the ‘WPLMS-MyCred-addon’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate WPLMS MyCred from your Plugins page.


Can I use my existing WordPress theme?


Will this work on WordPress multisite?


Where can I report a bug?

Report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development at VibeThemes.


2020년 7월 7일
Most functions work well. I could not get point awards to work with GD rating. I could not get GD rating to work on my Learndash website. It would be GREAT if MyCred worked with Rating-Widget. Rating-Widget works great on my site and is the rating system I prefer. Without MyCred support for Rating-Widget, I must award points manually for ratings which is a major PIA for 1000’s of subscription customers. Please add support for Rating-Widget.
2016년 9월 3일
Works very nicely with the two plugins. Great job!
모든 2 평가 읽기

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