

이 플러그인은 2021년 11월 19일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 이 폐쇄는 영구적입니다. 사유: 작성자 요청.


2021년 3월 28일
Me gustó mucho el plugin justo lo que estaba buscando
2019년 8월 26일
The plugin works as suggested in that it allows you to add a donation product and setup donations for checkout. The caveat is that it only works when used as a widget and not as a normal WooCommerce product. Whenever you use the assigned WooCommerce product and single page the plugin adds a duplicate donation product to cart at a cost of $0.00 so you end up with 2 donation products, one with the custom donation value and another with $0.00. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/duplicate-donation-in-cart/#post-11823159 If you're OK with only using Widgets for your donations then this plugin is fine. Anything past that you start running into issues and oddities such as mentioned above. I wish this plugin made clear that it only works properly with Widgets. The description makes it sound like Widgets are an additional feature not a requirement.
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