[플러그인 태그:] console
Developer Tools Blocker
(15 전체 평점)This plugin blocks non-admin users from using inspect element, while still allowing access those with manage_options permission.
Blog Terminal
(0 전체 평점)Blog Terminal provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts.
(0 전체 평점)Puts your WeatherWizz dashboard data directly onto your wordpress website giving you control on how your data is displayed.
(0 전체 평점)WP-ShkShell provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts. It also support multi-lines, multi-commands and has s …
REST Console Embed
(0 전체 평점)Shortcode for an embeddable REST API Console, based on Automattic's WordPress.com Console.
RAML Console
(0 전체 평점)Provides a way to embed a RAML Console in a page or post. Plugin adds a button to the Editor as well as a shortcode.
Print in the Console Current Template URI
(0 전체 평점)Prints in the console which template is used if user is logged in.
EasyError- Easy Error Log for WordPress
(0 전체 평점)Effortlessly track and manage errors on your WordPress site. Streamline the debugging process with EasyError- Easy Error Log for WordPress.