[플러그인 태그:] posts
Post Duplicator
(73 전체 평점)Creates functionality to duplicate any and all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields.
(115 전체 평점)A small collection of lightweight WordPress blocks that can accomplish nearly anything.
YARPP – 또 다른 관련 글 플러그인
(1,075 전체 평점)관련 글 표시를 위한 최고의 워드프레스 플러그인입니다. 강력하고 검증된 알고리즘과 내장된 캐싱으로 간단하고 유연합니다.
Public Post Preview
(77 전체 평점)Allow anonymous users to preview a draft of a post before it is published.
게시물 표시 – 간편한 목록, 그리드, 내비게이션 등
(162 전체 평점)간단한 쇼트코드를 사용하여 웹사이트에 콘텐츠 목록을 추가하세요. 카테고리, 작성자 등으로 결과를 필터링할 수 있습니다.
WP Meta and Date Remover
(68 전체 평점)Remove meta author and date information from posts and pages. Hide from Humans and Search engines.SEO friendly and most advance plugin.
카테고리 게시물 나열
(253 전체 평점)카테고리 글 목록을 사용하면 글, 페이지 또는 위젯에서 카테고리 및 기타 여러 매개변수별로 글을 나열할 수 있습니다. [catlist] 쇼트코드를 사용하여 선택합니다;
CMS Tree Page View
(357 전체 평점)Adds a tree view of all pages & custom posts. Get a great overview + options to drag & drop to reorder & option to add multiple pages.
Category Posts Widget
(79 전체 평점)Adds a widget that shows the most recent posts from a single category.
WP Telegram (Auto Post and Notifications)
(412 전체 평점)Integrate your WordPress site perfectly with Telegram with full control.
Reading Time WP
(19 전체 평점)Reading Time WP creates an estimated reading time of your posts that is inserted above the content or by using a shortcode.
Ultimate Post Kit Addons For Elementor – (Post Grid, Post Carousel, Post Slider, Category List, Post Tabs, Timeline, Post Ticker, Tag Cloud)
(47 전체 평점)Best Post Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugin with 75+ Most Popular Elements that need your everyday blog website building.
Subscribe2 – Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters
(114 전체 평점)Sends a list of subscribers an email notification when you publish new posts.
(33 전체 평점)Lets you use raw HTML or any other code in your posts. You can also disable smart quotes and other automatic formatting on a per-post basis.
Related Posts by Taxonomy
(75 전체 평점)Display a list of related posts on your site based on the most terms in common. Supports thumbnails, shortcodes, a widget and more.
Essential Widgets
(2 전체 평점)Essential Widgets is a WordPress plugin for widgets that allows you to create and add amazing widgets with high customization option on your website w …