This plugin and widget allows you to create dynamic, controllable slideshows or presentations for your website.
Simply define a block of HTML to be a slideshow or presentation. You can use any tags like <p>, <img>, <div> etc.
Based on (a)Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Version history
Version 0.8.2
- slideshow Id now is valid XHTML
- update a-Slideshow jQuery plugin to 0.8.2 version
Version 0.8.0
- update a-Slideshow jQuery plugin to 0.8.0 version
Version 0.5.0
- new syntax of using plugin
- new version of a-Slideshow jQuery plugin
Version 0.4.0
- new version of a-Slideshow jQuery plugin
- add widget
Version 0.2.1
- Update (a) Slideshow jQuery Plugin to version 0.5.4
- Update jQuery to version 1.3.1 (requried for correct working fullscreen with Opera)
Version 0.2
- Fixes an issue where javascript is not registered
- Changes in readme.txt
Version 0.1
- Initial release version
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Now you can create slideshow from any HTML tags (switch to HTML editor) and write example:
<p><label>Caption of slide one</label>Text for slide one ... </p>
<p><label>Caption of slide two</label>Text for slide two ... </p>
<p>Text for slide three ... w/out caption</p>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image01.jpg" alt="Slide four - is image"/>
<a href="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image02.jpg" title="Slide five"/>It's link to image, image load dynamically</a>
NOTICE: You can use slideshow button (on quicktags bar)
You can change settings for all slideshow – go to Settings -> (a) Slideshow
NOTICE: Widget use a global settings of plugin (if it exist)
You can change setting for any slideshow (different from global settings), use next syntax:
[aslideshow %options%]
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image01.jpg" alt="Caption 1"/>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image02.jpg" alt="Caption 2"/>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image03.jpg" alt="Caption 3"/>
Where %options% – is settings for (a)Slideshow jQuery Plugin – example:
[aslideshow effect="random" play=true playframe=false controls_play=true]
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image01.jpg" alt="Caption 1"/>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image02.jpg" alt="Caption 2"/>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm/image03.jpg" alt="Caption 3"/>
- How start autoplay?
Use next options: [aslideshow play=1 playframe=0]
- Where I can see all effects?
On (a)Slideshow jQuery Plugin Homepage
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