

이 플러그인은 2022년 2월 3일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 지침 위반.


2020년 8월 14일
I have been using it for quite some time and it does the job very well. It is a great tool it saves a lot of time but it needs a few more features to become excellent. For example: There is no multisite support. Any changes must be done on every site (and I have 35). At least I can export and import the Blocks but still, a centralized management would be preferred. Documentation says that Posts field supports CPT’s but this is not the case. It only supports either Posts or Pages. And those two can not be combined. It would have been nice to work with both Posts and Pages (and CPT), like the Link field of WordPress. Checkboxes can not be grouped, for a nicer backend layout No 33% column width option No custom text/html can be added without a field. We might want to give instructions to our users or divide/group fields in the backend with titles/subtitles etc. Pasting in Number fields is not possible. Gutenberg gets the pasted number and creates it as a paragraph block, outside of the custom Block. I am using text fields for numbers just to be able to paste id’s. Duplicating Blocks keeps them connected. This might have some use, but it would be better if duplicating blocks would create an identical but stand alone block. I know the team is working on future updates and I would be happy to reconsider my rating when time comes. Keep up the good work!
2020년 7월 5일 답글 1개
Admittedly, I never used blocks on my website. I would always just use custom HTML for every post because I have a few advanced elements that I needed to use HTML for. Just started experimenting with blocks last week to try and improve the workflow of making posts and this plugin works really well to help me create and maintain the custom blocks that I need.
2020년 6월 11일 답글 1개
Didn’t know about this plugin, but it makes it really easy to use custom Gutenberg Blocks. If you have to make then yourself, it quite hard to setup. Hope the pro version comes out soon though. Thanks!
2020년 2월 13일 답글 1개
I found this plugin after struggling for a while with the custom approach, which mostly relies on JavaScript. Suddenly I’m able to progress and (importantly) use PHP instead of JS. I really like that I can generate blocks programmatically, which allows (e.g.) select controls to be populated with values from the WP database rather than hard-coded. It’s also good to see that I can use the block values to generate a shortcode, which helps to make them easier for users to manage. The templating system for output is neat, and like I said, it means that I can use my PHP/WP skills instead of having to rely on complex JS. Thanks to the authors, and I look forward to seeing how the plugin develops.
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