이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Cookie Bar


A simple, lightweight WordPress plugin for displaying a discreet notification bar that is dismissable and the dismissal is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the EU cookie law (GDPR)!

The Cookie Bar plugin creates a small bar at the bottom of the website with a short customizable message about cookies and an accept button. Once a visitor has accepted the Cookie Bar, it then disappears.

Feel free to try out the plugin through our installation of Cookie Bar.

Troubleshooting: If you or your visitors are using an adblocker that can block cookie bars, the bar may not show up. Whitelist your website in your adblocker’s browser add-on/extension.


  • Plugin Settings screenshot-1.png
  • Cookie Bar screenshot-2.png


Add the plugin by uploading the zip file to your WordPress admin area > Plugins > Add New or by installing it from the WordPress Plugin directory.
Activate the plugin and go to Settings > Cookie Bar.
Configure it as you would like.
That’s all!


2024년 6월 2일 답글 1개
I’m a big fan of open source, especially when it is such a clean and easy solution as compared to the dozens (hundreds?) of other options. This is a grand total of 410 lines of code to review for security and performance issues. I certainly could have written this, but I’m so glad I did not have to… Now I just have to craft the dang cookie-policy page itself. Hint: look at sites that have their policy pages published under a Creative Commons license. I’m looking at you, Wikipedia. 345 1143 15143 cookie-bar.php 30 90 1150 js/cookie-bar.js 5 8 139 wpml-config.xml 30 58 556 css/cookie-bar.css 410 1299 16988 total
2023년 10월 26일 답글 1개
This is by far, the best simple & discrete cookie compliance plugin. Love the color & text customization options. I only wish that either the disclaimer text had adjustible padding options so that compliance accessibility icons don’t obscure the text, or even better, if it had an accessibility button built in to stay on screen even after cookies are acknowledged.
2022년 12월 4일 답글 1개
It’s a really good plugin! It doesn’t use lots of resources or third-party sites and I like that it’s open source. There are a couple of things I’d like to see: I would like to be able to set the bar to the middle of the screen. Change size of both the bar (wide & height). Change font size.
2021년 4월 23일
I needed simple GDPR cookie bar and this plugin is the best + lightweight. U can write any message to your visitors in any language with hyperlinks. U can set button colour, but im very satisfied with default colors 🙂
2021년 1월 21일
Thank you so much for this minimalistic plugin. There are so many plugins out there, providing senseless features which no internet user wants to have. I think all this Cookie consent should be implemented in a browser not in every single site in the internet. But since we have to do it, the simpliest solution it the best.
모든 20 평가 읽기

기여자 & 개발자

“Cookie Bar”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


자국어로 “Cookie Bar”(을)를 번역하세요.

개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


Version 2.1

  1. XSS vulnerability fix.

Version 2.0

  1. New expiration options. Choose between custom (in days) or never expire.
  2. New option to display the Cookie Bar at the top of your website.
  3. Three new colour options (Button Font Colour, Bar Background Colour, Bar Font Colour).
  4. New option to hide the Cookie Bar for logged in users.
  5. Cookie Bar Settings link added in Plugins page.
  6. Mobile optimisation.
  7. Text improvements.
  8. PHP bug fix.

Version 1.8.9

  1. Sanitize the output. Fix XSS vulnerability.

Version 1.8.7

  1. Bug fix v5.3.

Version 1.8

  1. Fix compatibility issue.

Version 1.7

  1. Added i18n internationalization support.

Version 1.6

  1. Attempt to resolve possible caching issue with cookie.

Version 1.5

  1. Color Picker added.

Version 1.4

  1. Option to change button colour.

Version 1.3.5

  1. Default values added.

Version 1.2

  1. Initial public release.