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How shortcode work: WordPress Codex
Full documentation and shortcode list: Documentation
Current year, copyright, symbols and user IP with shortcode.
[y] display current year 2020
[m] display current month October
[d] display current day 25
[dmy] display current date 01/01/2023
[c] display copyright symbol ©
[t] display registered trademark symbol ®
[tm] display unregistered trademark symbol ™
[sm] display service mark symbol ℠
[cc] display Copyright
[cy] display symbol of copyright and current year ©2019
[cyy year=”2003″] display symbol of copyright, first year, current year ©2003-2019
[cyyl year=”2003″] display copyright, first year, current year Copyright 2003-2019
[cyyls year=”2003″] display copyright (+©), first year, current year ©Copyright 2003-2019
[show_user_ip] display ip of current user
Useful attribute for extend shortcode functionality
Format Attribute for Year
For shortcode with year you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “Y” (es.2019) or “y” (es.19). Default format without attribute is “Y”.
You must enter year attribute in the same format.
[cyy year=”03″ format=”y”] ©03-19
[cyy year=”2003″ format=”Y”] ©2003-2019
Format Attribute for Month
For shortcode with month you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “F” – “m” – “M” – “n”.
Format Attribute for Day
For shortcode with day you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “D” – “d” – “j” – “N”
Format Attribute for current date
All php date function attributes.
Offset Attribute
For day shortcode [d] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For month shortcode [m] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For year shortcode [y] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For current date shortcode [dmy] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or – in standard php date format, for ex. + 1 year or – 1 day.
[d offset=”+1″] 2023
[m offset=”+1″] 2 (if current month is January)
[y offset=”+1″] 2 (if current day is 1)
[dmy offset=”+ 1 year”] 01/01/2023
- Upload the plugin files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress add plugins page directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ page in WordPress.
- Add shortcode in all position where WordPress accept it.
What are WordPress shortcode?
Read how WordPress shortcode work: WordPress Codex
What are the available shortcodes?
[y] display current year 2020
[m] display current month October
[d] display current day 25
[dmy] display current date 01/01/2023
[c] display copyright symbol ©
[t] display registered trademark symbol ®
[tm] display unregistered trademark symbol ™
[sm] display service mark symbol ℠
[cc] display Copyright
[cy] display symbol of copyright and current year ©2019
[cyy year=”2003″] display symbol of copyright, first year, current year ©2003-2019
[cyyl year=”2003″] display copyright, first year, current year Copyright 2003-2019
[cyyls year=”2003″] display copyright (+©), first year, current year ©Copyright 2003-2019
[show_user_ip] display ip of current userFull list here: Documentation
What are the symbols shortcode?
[c] display copyright symbol ©
[t] display registered trademark symbol ®
[tm] display unregistered trademark symbol ™
[sm] display service mark symbol ℠Symbols shortcode retrieve the most common “registration” symbols.
For more symbols shortcode write a support ticket! -
What is the IP shortcode?
[show_user_ip] display ip of current user
With IP shortcode you can retrieve your user IP.
How work year format attribute?
For shortcode with year you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “Y” (es.2019) or “y” (es.19). Default format without attribute is “Y”.
You must enter year attribute in the same format.Example
[cyy year=”03″ format=”y”] ©03-19
[cyy year=”2003″ format=”Y”] ©2003-2019 -
How work month format attribute?
For shortcode with month you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “F” – “m” – “M” – “n”.
How work day format attribute?
For shortcode with day you can choose format with attribute format=””. It support “D” – “d” – “j” – “N”
How work year, month and day offset attribute?
For day shortcode [d] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For month shortcode [m] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For year shortcode [y] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or -.
For current date shortcode [dmy] you can add offset with attribute offset=””. It support + or – in standard php date format, for ex. + 1 year or – 1 day.Example
[d offset=”+1″] 2023
[m offset=”+1″] 2 (if current month is January)
[y offset=”+1″] 2 (if current day is 1)
[dmy offset=”+ 1 year”] 01/01/2023
기여자 & 개발자
“Current Year, Symbols and IP Shortcode”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- 6.6 compatibility.
- 6.5 compatibility.
- 6.4 compatibility.
- Code revisions.
- Bugfix and compatibility.
- Translation with date_i18n. Added current date shortcode (dmy).
- Months translatable with .pot.
- Bugfix.
- Bugfix.
- Compatibility WordPress 5.8.
- Compatibility WordPress 5.7.
- Bugfix.
- FAQ updated.
- New shortcode for month and day, new documentation.
- Version compatibility update.
- Version compatibility update.
- Bugfix and new shortcode for retrieve IP.
- New name and compatibility update.
- Bugfix and offset for [y] shortcode.
- Added ™ and ℠ symbol.
- Compatibility revision.
- Compatibility revision.
- Bugfix.
- Now you can format year with format=”” attribute. You can choose “y” or “Y”. More info in description.
- Now with [cyy] if current year is = attribute year, first year isn’t displayed. New shortcode [cyyl] for show “Copyright year-year”. New shortcode [cyyls] for show “©Copyright year-year”.
- Bugfix
- Added [cc] shortcode “Copyright”.
- Added more shortcode (copyright, trademark, copyright + year of creation + current year)
- Initial release