이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Custom Classes


The Custom Classes plugin allows you to create custom classes for posts (when post_class() is called) and for the <body> class (when body_class() is called). It creates a meta box on the edit post and edit term screens in the admin with input boxes for adding your custom classes.

Custom post classes are added whenever your theme calls the post_class() function, which is generally whenever a post is shown. Custom body classes are added on the single view of the post whenever your theme calls the body_class() function.

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If you need professional plugin support from me, the plugin author, you can access the support forums at Theme Hybrid, which is a professional WordPress help/support site where I handle support for all my plugins and themes for a community of 75,000+ users (and growing).

Plugin Development

If you’re a theme author, plugin author, or just a code hobbyist, you can follow the development of this plugin on it’s GitHub repository.

Will this work with custom post types?

Certainly. This plugin works with any public post type on your site. It’s not just limited to the “post” post type.

It’s not working!

Most likely, this means your theme isn’t using the appropriate functions (post_class() and body_class()). You’ll need to talk to your theme author to get them to fix this. Or, better yet, use a correctly-coded theme from Theme Hybrid!


  • Custom classes meta box
  • Body class output in source code


Why was this plugin created?

I wanted a quick and easy way to add styles to my posts without having to make a tag, create a category, or use post formats. Those solutions are great, but they’re not ideal for every situation. By using a custom class, I have complete control over post styles.

How do I use it?

A meta box named “Classes” gets added to the edit post screen in the admin. From there, you can input a custom post and/or body class for individual posts. On the edit/new term (category, tag, etc.) screen, a new field labeled “Body Class” is also available.

Of course, you actually have to style the class in your theme’s style.css file for anything to actually change on the front end. This plugin just outputs the classes for you. It’s up to you to decide how to use them.


2017년 9월 27일
If all you need is to add custom classes to body on a per page / post basis, this plugin is all you need.
2016년 9월 3일
Just what I need – works perfectly running WP version 4.3.1 without any issues at all. Thanks for a great solution Justin As the other reviewer, could do with an update to tell users it is still ok to use today.
모든 11 평가 읽기

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The change log is located in the changelog.md file in the plugin folder. You may also view the change log online.