이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Global Custom Fields


Customize WordPress with Global Custom Fields! You can use GCF for example to create HTML + PHP shortcodes, global text fields, to save custom urls and retrieve them wherever you want and much more.

Add global fields in GCF Admin Page Create groups in the ‘Settings’ section and related fields in the ‘Fields’ section. Then edit the fields individually from the ‘GCF’ section.

Recover GCF with php Fields groups / single gcf can be retrieved anywhere within your theme / plugin with the function get_gcf($group, $single = false, $eval = false)

Show single GCF with a shortcode Load and display your single gcf with a shortcode! [gcf group="group_name" field="field_name" eval=false]

Each field is validated before saving. Add non-standard HTML tags and attributes in the “Settings” section if you need.

N.B. Use php “eval” only if you know what you’re doing. Save php fields using pseudo tags


contact me if you have any questions, issues, or suggestions.
And leave a review to grow the project!


  • GCF Settings
  • GCF Groups
  • GCF Fields
  • GCF Fields


  1. Upload the global-custom-fields folder to the directory /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Set up the plugin from GCF Admin Page
  4. Use get_gcf() php function or [gcf] shortcode to add GCF anywhere! (see more in the ‘Description’ section)


2020년 4월 23일
Unico nel suo genere, non ho trovato alternativa migliore per questo tipo di lavoro! Grazie mille
2020년 4월 23일
Very useful to add my custom code without much hassle, wherever i want and without risky copypasting. Thanks a lot!
모든 5 평가 읽기

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자국어로 “Global Custom Fields”(을)를 번역하세요.

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


1.3 (25th March,2021)

  • WP 5.7 compatibility

1.2 (14th December,2020)

  • remove warnings from fields editor
  • code editor fixed

1.1 (1th June,2020)

  • add Fields editor (with lines and code highlights)
  • add extra Tags / Attributes section in settings
  • fix PHP eval feature