이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Intercom Integration for WordPress


Obox Intercom is a free plugin which integrates Intercom, one of the best customer communication apps.

What is Obox Intercom?

A WordPress plugin that allows you to integrate Intercom with your WordPress site without touching a line of code.

How does it work?

Simply install the plugin on your WordPress site and then set your Intercom App ID, click save and your site will be fully integrated with Intercom.

Where can I use it?

Obox Intercom can be used with any WordPress install, as long as you have an Intercom account.

What packages does it support?

Intercom has quite a few different packages, from the free Obey package, to Aqcuire to Support, Obox Intercom support’s them all.

Does this plugin support logged out users?

Unlike other Intercom plugins for WordPress, Obox Intercom supports logged out users as long as you’re running the Acquire package.


Step 1

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Click Plugins > Add new
  3. Click Upload
  4. Browse and select intercom.zip from your Mac or PC and then click install now
  5. Upon installation you will be directed to the Launchpad settings panel

Step 2

  1. Navigate to Settings > Intercom
  2. Grab your App ID from your Intercom URL (example https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/xxxxxxxx/users/segments/active).
  3. Input your App ID and click Save.
  4. Once you save your App ID, you’ll unlock further options which you can configure.


Can I install this on multiple WordPress sites?

Yes you can, just make sure you are running WordPress 4.0 or higher.

Do I need an Obox theme to use this plugin?

Nope, it works on any type of WordPress install with any theme.

Does it work with the Aquire package?

This integration works just fine with the Aquire package, meaning you can track non-logged in users as Contacts on Intercom.

Do I need to pay anything to use this plugin?

No it’s absolutely free! There’s a Pro version coming soon though, that’s going to knock your socks off.


2016년 9월 3일
Just wanted to come back and leave an excellent review for this plugin. Its a better implementation then the one created by Intercom.io themselves. One thing that stands out is the “Signed Up” date. This plugin correctly pulls the original sign up date for the user whereas the one by intercom simply uses the time of the latest sign in which is useless. Kudos!
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  • Some bug fixes
  • Better prep for any pro version


  • Initial launch