이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Podbean Shortcode


The Podbean shortcode plugin is an easy way to embed Podbean audio/video player into your WordPress blog. It works for any Podbean podcast. Once you install this plugin, it will work on all of your blog posts.

A simple example:

[podbean type=audio-square resource="episode=g82ab-2f688" skin="5" auto="1"]

[podbean type=multi playlist=http%3A%2F%2Fplaylist.podbean.com%2F781097%2Fplaylist_multi.xml height=315 skin=0]

More Options

Podbean shortcode requires the type of player. It can be only of the following:

  • type=X: player type of the episode to embed (eg:audio-rectangle,audio-square,video,multi…).

Podbean shortcode requires the resource play. It can be only of the following:

  • resource="episode=X": X is id and id tag of the episode to embed.
  • playlist=X: X is multiple player playlist to embed.

The plugin also supports the following optional parameters:

  • width: player’s width – can be in % or px (ie. 100% or 400px).
  • height: player’s height – can be in % or px (ie. 100% or 400px).
  • share: enables or disables the share button in player.
  • skin: player’s UI theme.
  • auto: enables or disables the autoplay. When 1 it automatically starts playing when the player loads. Autoplay doesn’t work on most mobile browsers. Defaults to 0.

How to get the shortcode

Visit your podcast site and then click on the share button at the bottom of each episode : you can customize the appearance of the player and get the shortcode to copy and paste to your WordPress blog.


If you need further help, please contact us at support.podbean.com.


2017년 7월 3일
The shortcode does not work. However, the standard iFrame code does work just fine. The biggest issue I have is that it does not fully integrate with your Podbean account making the switch over seamless. You have to update each and every episode manually. In my case, that’s 700 episodes. There is no support in the players for subscribing either by iTunes, Google Play, RSS feed readers or even email. Granted, Podbean has come a long way since it’s earliest days and is still the most affordable solution for heavy podcasters such as myself who do not generate a ton a money. Nevertheless, I have a brand and my own site. I choose not use the Podbean default ecosystem and themes. I want more control. Since WordPress is the largest blogging platform out there, it would be in their best interest to support a player for this platform that’s fully integrated. For now, I’ll stick with Podbean as my host and continue to use the free PowerPress player, which has its own issues, even when you’re a subscriber to Blubrry’s overpriced low-data hosting plans. Their truly is no great solution for podcast players out there, though PowerPress comes the closest.
2017년 3월 13일
Works great, when will the multi player be ready? 🙂
2017년 3월 8일
Big thanks to Podbean. This Plugin makes sharing to Wordpress pretty easy. And the embedded player is beautifully designed. Thanks again.
모든 5 평가 읽기

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