Rsilitech postcode availability allows you to check the shipping availability of a product in a particular postcode. The plugin is easy to install and use. Once installed, you can add postcodes to your WooCommerce store in the admin panel. You can also assign postcodes to zones. When a customer visits your product page, they will be able to enter their postcode in the “Check Availability” section to see if the product is
available for shipping to their address..
Rsilitech postcode availability demo
### Features
- Check shipping availability of a product in a particular postcode
- Display delivery date in product page
- Display Shipping note in product page
- Add postcode in admin panel
- Edit Postcode in admin panel
- List Post code in admin panel
- Assign Postcode in Zone
Customize frontend check availability panel from admin panel any any language , from Rspa Postcode plugin settings
Per product shipping
- WooCommerce Zone wise Shipping
- Shipping Method
- Export Postcodes
- Import Postcodes
Website – https://www.rsilitech.com
Email – pluginsupport@rsilitech.com
1) Go to your WordPress admin panel,
2) Go to plugin menu in left panel.
3) Click on add new button
4) Select the plugin zip file and upload
5) Go to Rapa Postcode menu in left, click on settings menu, update settings of the plugin and save
What is purpose of note?
— In the note field you can write any message for customer.
The note message will show in the frontend in availability check panel if postcode is serviceable.
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Version 1.0.7
* Add postcode cod available select option default no
Version 1.0.6
* Check availability button changed for mobile device
* Cod availabilty introduced
* on press enter check availability
* COD column in postcode list
Version 1.0.5
* Shortcode for postcode availability check has introduced
Version 1.0.4
* Settings page introduced in admin
* CSV export Introduced
Version 1.0.3
* “Delivery Time (in days)” has been updated
Version 1.0.2
* “Change postcode button” in check availability section in frontend updated
Version 1.0.1
* Initial release.