이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.



The Showtime plugin allows you to easily manage and display a rotating programming schedule. It was originally built for a college radio station, but it could be used for any kind of schedule that repeats weekly.

Showtime takes the current time and displays the name of whatever show/event you’ve placed in the timeslot. If there’s no show/event, it displays a custom off-air message. You also have the option of displaying the name of the upcoming show/event.

New in 3.0

This release is a ground-up re-write, so the code is (hopefully) an awful lot better than it was before. The sorting method is better for the days of the week, and the front-end presentation is no longer a horrible, horrible jQuery hack! Everything is more efficient, better-looking, and the shortcode output doesn’t sit on top of all the content anymore. Also, there’s some snazzy new AJAX-ification stuff going on in the Schedule manager.

Current 2.1 users, don’t worry; there’s a database upgrader built-in, so you don’t have to re-enter all of your current show schedules. That being said, be sure to backup your database before running the upgrade; it will remove the _showtime database table when it’s done. I’m almost certain it won’t break.

Timezone support is improved, but please email me if you’re still having trouble.

Current Feature List

  • Easily create editable shows/events by settings start/end times.
  • Customizable “Off-Air Message”.
  • Hide or display upcoming show/event.
  • Customizable CSS in the admin panel.
  • Shut it Down: Temporarily replace your schedule with off-air message.
  • Display your schedule using template tag, widget or shortcode.
  • Link your event/show names to URLs.
  • Upload images for events/shows and display them in the Now Playing widget.
  • New shortcode to easily add the Now Playing widget to Posts and Pages.
  • Support for databased that don’t necessarily use the wp_ prefix.


  1. Upload the Showtime directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. You have a few display options:
    • Template tag: <?php if (function_exists('showme_showtime')) echo showme_showtime(); ?>
    • A Widget in your Appearance->Widgets settings
    • You can display your entire schedule, broken down by days of the week, on a page or post with the [showtime-schedule] shortcode

After installation, be sure to set your timezone city. This ensures consistency in your entry/display times.


Q: I just installed Showtime, and I don’t see a place to add new shows. Why?

A: You absolutely have to set your timezone city for the plugin to work properly, as it has to have a local timezone to set its clock to. It’s in your General Settings page.

Q: After I upload an image and click “Use as Featured Image” for a show, nothing happens.

A: You have to click the “Insert Into Post” button, not “Use as Featured Image.”


2016년 9월 3일
This plugin uses quite few deprecated functions. It has PHP errors, it also has JS errors. This will likely result in various functionalities of the plugin not working correctly (as is evidenced all throughout the support forums), it can also potentially stop other plugins from functioning correctly. It is strongly advised to avoid the use of the plugin.
2016년 9월 3일
Es una excelente herramienta para sistemas de emisoras, en este momento lo uso para varias páginas pero lamentablemente la versión 4.3.1 de Wordpress genera errores ya que el has_cap usa version obsoleta para niveles de usuarios. Si se pudiera actualizar seguramente donaré y con gusto lo haré.
모든 3 평가 읽기

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