이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.



SimpleDRM enables you to sell DRM-protected media from your Woocommerce shop. Just install the plugin, register at https://lector.paradimage.es and start selling.

Very much like Amazon Kindle or iTunes, when your customers buy digital goods at your shop, the contents become available at the Paradimage Reader app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paradimage.reader). The reader is a free app for Android equipped with DRM protection, that is, the customers cannot download or copy your media. We will charge you an extremely reduced fee for the use of the Reader by your customers (less than 0,50 USD per customer, one-off). Check our Terms of Use at https://lector.paradimage.es/privacy-policy/

The Reader is designed to provide access to all the shops installing the plugin, so that the user experiences all the media in one place. Your shop will be highly visible for your customers: the logo, description and access to the catalog will be boldly shown in the main screen.

To protect your media, the Reader uses PGP encryption, a combination of AES-128, RSA-256 and RSA-2048. Check all the security features at https://lector.paradimage.es. Regarding privacy, we will not host or have access to your media files. We will not handle sensitive data like your customers passwords.

Additional Documentation

You can find more information about Simple DRM” plugin at this page


  • Settings page (just the activation key)
  • The Reader main screen (the library), where your customers will see their purchases
  • They just have to enter in the app the user and password they used to buy in your shop, and the items will be encrypted and downloaded to their phone.
  • The Reader concentrates the media of all associated shops and the ebooks hosted in the phone.


Installation procedure:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/simple-drm directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress. No setup needed at this time.
  3. Install the WP REST API – OAuth 1.0a Server plugin, developed by the WP REST API Team. Follow the configuration instructions in https://lector.paradimage.es/registra-tu-tienda/
  4. Register your shop at https://lector.paradimage.es/datos-de-la-tienda/, which is the app server controlling the Reader app. Along the registration process you will be told how to configure the SimpleDRM plugin, set up the shop catalog, etc.

The whole process should not take more than 10-15 minutes. Right after registration, you will be able to test de app with a trial user. If you like it and want to offer it to your customers, buy a license for no more than 0,50 USD per customer.


What is the cost?

The plugin is free and the app is free (with no ads). We will charge you an amount of no more than 50 cents per customer using the app (much less if you have many customers), independently of the number of items they purchase.

You can set up a demo user to test it for free. Check https://lector.paradimage.es

Will you have access to our items?

Not at all. The Paradimage servers will just access your shop to retrieve the list of orders for a customers, and to download the product catalog. Sensitive information like user, password or the media itself is out of our reach, it is downloaded directly from your shop to the mobile app. Check all the privacy details at https://lector.paradimage.es

What if my customers use Apple?

We are working on an iOS and a Windows version of the Paradimage Reader. Right now, we can only offer an Android Reader.

What kind of digital media can I sell?

Currently, we handle epub and pdf formats for ebooks, and mp4 for video.


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  • Uses the new host plaza.paradimage.es
  • Added functionality


  • First stable version.