WP Connectr: Power Automate integration


Integrate your WordPress site with over 1000 services through Microsoft Power Automate.
Power Automate is a low-code service offered by Microsoft that allows you to automate workflows between your favorite apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more.

This plugin requires a Power Automate premium license to be of any use. You can sign up for a free trial at https://make.powerautomate.com/

Reenhanced is a Microsoft partner founded in 2005, dedicated to being the world’s best resource for connecting WordPress to Microsoft products.
Our products serve over 250,000 users around the world.

This plugin is open-source, can be internally audited by your team, and is fully supported by Reenhanced. This plugin has no dependencies on third-party services outside of Power Automate and will operate for years to come. You can deploy this for internal use and not worry about updates if you properly secure access.

Use the provided actions with this plugin to:

  • Interface with WordPress users
  • Interface with posts, including custom post types
  • Interface with attachments, including uploading to the media library
  • Interface with comments
  • Interface with taxonomies
  • Interface with terms
  • Support for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  • Support for Secure Custom Fields (SCF)


Can I use triggers?

Triggers will be supported through an upcoming paid plugin that will extend this plugin. Please watch reenhanced.com for details.

How can I get support?

For support please email support@reenhanced.com


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