이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

WP Copy Content Protection


WP Copy Content Protection plugin provides various ways to protect the content of your website from being stolen by content-thieves.

After installation, you can change the settings of the WP Copy Content Protection plugin from the ‘WP Copy Content Protection’ option in the ‘Settings’ menu in your WordPress Dashboard.

WP Copy Content Protection plugin blocks copying of its contents to content-thieves. This plugin allows you to copy-protect the content of your WordPress website in following ways:

** Disable Mouse and Keyboard Commands (Ctrl+A/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+S/Ctrl+P, etc.) **
When this option is selected, WP Copy Content Protection will not allow copying of the content of your website by mouse or by keyboard commands (Ctrl+A/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+S/Ctrl+P, etc.). User will also be not able to highlight the text from your website. text selection, Drag and Drop, viewing source code etc. everything will be blocked. Thus, complete stealing of your content will be blocked by content-thieves.

Anyone will not be able to copy your content by any command or by going in view-source etc. You just relax, your website is safe from copy-paste sickness.

** Allow Copy but Empty Copied Text **
With this option selected, WP Copy Content Protection will allow user to select the content from your website but when he will try to paste the same content anywhere then nothing will get pasted.

Actually, WP Copy Content Protection wordpress plugin acts smartly and it looks to user that he is able to copy content but in real sense, he will not get anything to copy. The copied text will be blank always.

** Allow Copy but append Copyright Warning with your Article Link **
With this option selected, WP Copy Content Protection plugin will allow copying the data. However, the plugin will append your Copyright Warning and it also appends your post’s or page’s link beneath the copied content. So, you are getting a link-back from copy-paste content. You can change the the warning message as per your wish.

** DISABLE Copy Protection Completely (Restores your site to default state) **
With this option selected, WP Copy Content Protection plugin will do nothing, i.e., it will restore your website to default state. It is as simple as normal websites behave. Now, content-thieves can steal your content. So, if you want to disable the copy-protection for few days then you can select this option. There is NO need to deactivate or uninstall the plugin.

WP Copy Content Protection plugin works in the background of your website and does not add any extra load on server. **
** This plugin works on all WordPress websites. It is very light-weight plugin, with only minimal coding added. No jquery, no extra coding. It is best Content Protection Plugin that saves you from Plagiarism. ALong with, it does not add any load on your server.


  • How to reach WP Copy Content Protection Plugin Page.
  • WP Copy Content Protection Plugin Settings Interface.


You can download and install the plugin by any of the 2 mentioned methods:

* Download the plugin from official WordPress repository.
* Extract and upload the contents of the archive to ‘yourserver.com/wp-content/plugins/delay-rss-feeds/’
* Login to your WordPress admin panel and browse to the Plugins section.
* Activate the ‘WP Copy Content Protection’ WordPress Plugin.
* Go to the Settings –> WP Copy Content Protection.
* Enable the plugin.
* Do customizations else leave the default values.

* Install using Plugins –> Add New.
* Activate the ‘WP Copy Content Protection’ WordPress Plugin.
* Go to the Settings –> WP Copy Content Protection.
* Enable the plugin.
* Do customizations else leave the default values.




2022년 4월 5일
Decided to leave a review to encourage dev to keep it going. Out of the all similar plugins, this one is actually the easiest to use and it has the one option I was actually looking for – allowing to copy with the link to source. The only thing I would add to it would be an ability to add on copy a little popup with the message that content is indeed copyrighted and can be used with the proper link.
2021년 3월 24일 답글 2개
I was browsing others sites and noticed how easy it is to steal content. Searched WordPress for a plugin and installed this one. Clear instructions with simple settings. Was ready to use on install and have not adjusted anything! Great work!
모든 5 평가 읽기

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  • This is the first version of the plugin. It is fully-tested and stable version.


  • This is the second version of the plugin. It is fully-tested and stable version.


  • This is the third version of the plugin. It is fully-tested and stable version. Fixed the code for PHP 7.x


  • This is the fourth version of the plugin. It is fully-tested and stable version. This version is tested upto WordPress 5.6


  • This is the fifth version of the plugin. It is fully-tested and stable version. This version is tested upto WordPress 6.2.2